Get a SmallWorker™! Great Workers at a Low Price!!!*
Alive or in good condition not guaranteed*

Bill Gates upon having his new worker deliveredHave you ever been managing an Apple store or a steel factory and thought to yourself, "Man, how can I get out of paying hard-working employees actual money and still have my work done?" Well I'll tell you how! You need a SmallWorker™! With a SmallWorker™, you can get rid of those pesky big workers that want actual money, and you can get a tiny fella who will work for pennies on the dollar! You can view the catalogue of our SmallWorkers™ that we have on hand.
Just read this happy customer's review!
"I personally replaced all my workers with SmallWorkers™. I love it! My profit margins are through the roof!"
                    -Jeve Stobs, creator of the iFruit

SmallWorker is perfect for any situation!



Tech Stuff

Making Fabric

Washin' Cars
